Microscopes | UCD Rate | Non-UCD Rate |
Brightfield | $6/hr | $8/hr |
Double-Headed Dissecting | $6/hr | $8/hr |
Fluorescent Dissecting | No charge | No charge |
Hyperspectral | $33/hr | $43/hr |
Laser Capture | $33/hr | $43/hr |
Laser Scanning Confocal | $33/hr | $43/hr |
Other Equipment | ||
QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System | $6/plate | $8/plate |
Autotechnicon Tissue Processor | $6/hr | $8/hr |
Cryostat / Microtomes | $6/hr | $8/hr |
Leica Histo-Embedder | $6/hr | $8/hr |
Nanodrop Spectrophotometer | $6/hr | $8/hr |
Spectramax Spectrophotometer | $6/plate | $8/plate |
Training/Consulting | $50/hr | $66/hr |
Each user must be trained by imaging core staff on each piece of equipment. Each user must supply their own consumable supplies.